* Disclaimer: The Trim Down Club is not a medical organization. Do not consider any information displayed through this presentation as medical advice or diagnosis. Also, please note that results from using our program are not typical and may vary between different members due to differences in individual exercise history, genetics, age, sex, personal motivation and other factors. You should always consult your physician or qualified health care practitioner before embarking on a new treatment, diet, or fitness program.

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What our Members say about us

  • - Kat

    I passed my goal weight of 135 lbs. My husband, who had farther to go than I did, lost 45 lbs. We were never hungry and never felt deprived. In fact, we actually felt FULL for a change! *

  • - ellis 408

    Hit 38lbs. today!
    Maybe I will reach 40 by Christmas!...
    Hit my Christmas goal today! 40.5lbs. So very excited! ...*

  • - blessingcatcher4

    I had my one year anniversary with TDC this weekend! For those of you who despair anything will ever work, don’t give up! It WILL work! It has for me when other things did not ...*

  • - Deborahjjhayes2

    I can't thank you enough. I've tried everything...
    This is so easy.
    I ...hit 36 a few days ago..... It is just hard to believe! This plan is the best. ...*

  • - Solo2453

    I lost 66lbs with TDC and I would like to thank all those who have put so much kindness into creating this wonderful site. *

  • - kelly

    My family is loving the food & I'm BLOWN away these are foods I can eat freely. So yummy & satisfying too... This is the best plan I've ever found ...*

  • - Annapril

    Just want to say that this program worked for me: I lost 12 lbs. I'm back in clothing that I used to wear before I was pregnant (six years ago). *

  • - Kat

    I passed my goal weight of 135 lbs. My husband, who had farther to go than I did, lost 45 lbs. We were never hungry and never felt deprived. In fact, we actually felt FULL for a change! *

  • - ellis 408

    Hit 38lbs. today!
    Maybe I will reach 40 by Christmas!...
    Hit my Christmas goal today! 40.5lbs. So very excited! ...*

* Disclaimer: All of the testimonials presented above are real and were written by actual members of the Trim Down Club. Please take into consideration that these testimonials do not necessarily represent typical results of The Trim Down Club program. Results may vary between different members of the Trim Down Club program due to differences in individual exercise history, genetics, age, sex, personal motivation and other factors. Please consult a physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.

Full Disclaimer

What is this Presentation

In this free but valuable presentation, we'll share five foods you've been told are "healthy" - that can actually increase unwanted weight gain.

You're probably eating these foods daily, and they not only add to those extra inches around your belly but - can stop you from losing weight altogether.

What is the Trim Down Club?

The Trim Down Club is a Niche Social Network providing its members with valuable information on diet & nutrition.

Our goal is to share with our members important, up-to-date information, news, recent studies and nutrition tips. You'll - learn which foods you should eat and which to avoid - to lose weight and be healthy. We aim to provide simple and accurate information - that our members will be able to remember, share, and use practically.

The Trim Down Club Program Theme

Your body has a built-in blueprint to be lean and healthy. We show you how to eat the right foods in the right combinations so you can have the body nature intended you to have: trim, healthy, attractive.

Trim Down Club Menu Planner – Stay in the Fat-Burning Mode All Day Long!

Just choose your favorite foods from the Personal Menu Planner, and it instantly creates a weekly menu that uses just the right combination of proteins and carbs to turn on your body's fat-burning furnace. Everything is immediately accessible online, and since you're not depriving yourself of the foods you love, you can stick with this plan, and help your body naturally redefine itself to your ideal body weight.

Trim Down Club Recipes - Meals That Make You Fit…Not Fat!

If you're going to be successful, the program needs to fit your lifestyle ... not the other way around. That's why we took your favorite recipes and made small , effective changes so your meals work with your body rather than against it.

You'll learn to swap processed and chemical-laden foods and use whole, unprocessed ingredients. We focus on optimizing our recipes with the right amount of healthy fats, as well as with the right carbs and proteins for your body.

How to Join?

You can join in the Trim Down Club right now!
Just click the order Button below, and you'll not only see all the foods you should avoid, but you'll also have instant access to our online private members' area where you'll have a plethora of weight-loss tools; like our PERSONAL MENU PLANNER that will help even out your blood sugar levels, keep your hormones balanced and in check, and free yourself from unwanted and dangerous fat.

Join now for just $1.99! If you love it, keep up your Trim Down Club membership for only $9.90 per month.
That's less than 33¢ a day! And you can cancel any time.

At the Trim Down Club, we're committed to providing you and your family with the very best educational fat loss products available And we take that commitment very seriously.

We believe that if our program doesn't work for you, you shouldn't have to pay for it. That's why the Trim Down Club is backed by our unprecedented money-back guarantee. You can try it in your own home for eight full weeks… show it to your doctor or health professional. Get the go ahead to do this program, and prove to yourself that this program really works. If within two months, you haven't lost weight; if you're not well on your way to having the lean and healthy body you deserve, simply let us know by contacting us and you'll get a full refund.

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Why Women Need More Vitamin-D

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Peer-reviewed research references
1) - Jason Gill and Naveed Sattar; "Fruit Juice: just another sugary drink?" The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, online 10 February 2014; DOI:10.1016/S2213-8587(14)70013-0.
2) - Hermansen, K and Mortensen LS, "Bodyweight changes associated with antihyperglycaemic agents in type 2 diabetes mellitus", Drug Safety, 2007;30(12):1127-42.
- Khan, Rehman and Russell-Jones, David, 2007; DOI: 10.1111/j.1463-1326.2006.00686.x
3) - Food and Drug Administration, "Guidance for Industry: Action Levels for Poisonous or Deleterious Substances in Human Food and
Animal Feed", FDA Website, August 2000.
4) - Murphy SL, Xu JQ, Kochanek KD. Deaths: Final data for 2010. Natl Vital Stat Rep. 2013;61(4).
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- Heidenreich PA, Trogdon JG, Khavjou OA, et al. Forecasting the future of cardiovascular disease in the United States: a policy statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2011;123:933-44. Epub 2011 Jan 24.